Khantil Desai Projects Publications CV
Khantil Proj Publ CV
Picture of Khantil Desai

Khantil Desai

My name is Khantil Desai. I am a student at University of Toronto working towards my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering with minor in Machine Intelligence. My major areas of interest in Computer Engineering are Computer Vision, Full-Stack development, AI/ML, IoT and Embedded Software.


Here are some of the projects I have worked on. These projects were build over the last two years as a part of my courses, Research Internships and my own interests! I hope you will find them just as interesting as I have.

Person wearing EyeTap smart glasses SETI logo EGO logo


Over the last two years I have completed two research internships and I have published a paper based on my work at one of them. It can be found here:

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